
# Favourite Colour

I love a lot of colours, but I really love the colour of fresh leaves in the springtime.  Especially when the Trembling Aspen gets all yellow green on the mountainside.


  1. I love how you kept the trees simple, but recognizable! And that little bear... <3

  2. Those are vectors? Or do you just use a solid brush?

    I have no idea how you manage to use so vivid colours without making the whole illustration an eye sore, just making it super cute. Is there a secret receipt to it? ;)

  3. I think it is because many of the colors are actually not too saturated, they are more in the pastels range than the neon range, but she keeps it very light, so it looks bright :)

  4. I agree, you use great colours Hana. Bright and clean.

  5. I'm not cool enough for vectors, this is drawn with the hard round brush. I tend to keep my colours in the warm range, but not oversaturated. Warm schemes feel brighter.
